Securing Linux Print

  • 85

Local security measures
● Protecting against common remote attacks
● What to do after an attack, cleanup
● Having and following a Security Policy

Make sure existing users have decent passwords
– Crack your own users' passwords using JTR,
– Preferably run the crackers on a dedicated machine,
not the server, due to load
– Any passwords that crack in under a few hours
need to have shell access removed until the
password can be changed. This should be written
into TOS/AUP which is “signed” by the client.

Turning off unneeded daemons in xinetd
– Check /etc/xinetd.conf
– Check /etc/xinetd.d/*
● Common ones are cupsd (printing daemon)
● nfs/statd (unless using nfs mounted FS)

Local Attacks:
Running Processes
Find locally running processes
– Often script kiddies will launch backdoor scripts
on the server using vulnerable php scripts
– Bad clients or hacked accounts will be used to
launch IRC bots / bouncers
● `ps auxww`
● `lsof -n`
– Try to find processes hidden by a rootkit, such as
● mpid=`sysctl kernel.pid_max | cut -d " " -f 3`; for i in
`seq 1 $mpid`; do test -f /proc/$i/cmdline && (echo -n
"[$i] "; strings /proc/$i/cmdline; echo); done

● Setting login access definitions
– /etc/login.defs
● Expire passwords after PASS_MAX_DAYS
● Set minimum password length to PASS_MIN_LEN
● Set number of days before pass expires to send
reminder with PASS_WARN_AGE
● There are more options that are well documented in
the default file
– /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny
● Suggest to use firewall instead as it will protect all
services, not just the ones written to obey the rules
set in the hosts.* files

Setting resource limits for shell accounts
– Set in /etc/security/limits.conf
● Protect against fork bombs and out of control applications,
● Will want to start out very lax, make stricter after testing
with current settings; as need arises
● Example settings:
– @users hard nofile 500
– @users hard cpu 30
– @users hard nproc 150
– @users soft nproc 100
– @users hard rss 50000
– @users - maxlogins 3
– nobody hard nofile 16384

● Find all world writable files and directories
– find / \( -perm -a+w \) ! -type l >> world_writable.txt
● reveals target locations an attacker can use to store their files
● fixing bad perms breaks some poorly written php/cgi scripts
● leave (/var)/tmp alone, secure it with /scripts/securetmp
● Find all setuid/gid files
– find / \( -perm -4000 -o -perm -2000 \) -exec ls -ldb {} \; >>
● Many files need these elevated permissions, do not “fix” without
knowing exactly how it will affect the system.
– sudo, su, mount, traceroute, etc
● Find all files with no owner/group
– find / -nouser -o -nogroup

● Use “nosuid” option when mounting /tmp and
● Consider “noexec” on /tmp after cPanel
● Use /scripts/securetmp to have /tmp be
mounted nosuid,noexec on a temporary file

● Tripwire
– Monitors checksums of files, reports when they have changed.
– A good way of helping ensure files are not replaced by
– Commercial :
– OSS Branch:
● Chkrootkit
– Scans system for common signs of rootkits, backdoors, lkm, etc.
● Rkhunter
– Same as chkrootkit
● Logwatch
– Scans through logs and emails a daily report of system activity

● Find out what programs are listening on what
● netstat -nap
– Backdoor scripts/irc apps are usually launched
from a writable directory, /tmp or in the user's ~
– Most will bind to a port and wait for connections,
some will “call home” in an attempt to get around
P/NAT firewalling

tcp syn cookies
– sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies=1
● or
– echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies
● Helps protect against SYN flood DoS attacks
– echo 999999 > /
● Exchange eth0 with primary outgoing ethernet device
● Increases the time that ARP caches will expire
– Not needed if setting the ARP cache statically

● Tools like ettercap make ARP cache
poisoning trivial.
– Enables MITM attacks
– Allows easy hijacking of SSL and SSH sessions,
along with any other sort of connections
● Many datacenters are vulnerable to this due
to management difficulties of setting static
– Set your own static route, assuming that the
server doesn't get moved often
● arp -s 00:0A:EB:D8:35:46
– = default gateway
– 00:0A:EB:D8:35:46 = NIC's MAC address

● ipchains/iptables
– Suggest using APF or similar if not familiar with
iptables for ease of use and quality protection
● Be sure to enable all the ports cPanel requires:
– Always be sure to leave yourself a way back in
● set crontab to disable firewall every 5-10 minutes
while testing new rules
● have serial console over ip available
● call the DC and hope they don't charge extra to have
a tech flush the rules

● Most all attacks are against poorly coded
webbased applications
– php makes poor programming easy to pull off,
most target scripts are written in php
– Backdoors, shell imitation scripts, etc can be
launched to give full shell access to the server,
even if the account has no shell access itself
● Enable openbase_dir protection in WHM
– will stop some scripts from accessing other user

● Enable suexec for perl scripts, phpsuexec for
php scripts
– Allows tracking of scripts and forces them to run
as the user of the account, rather that the
“nobody” user
– Enforces sane permissions and environment,
such as not running if world writable, or in a
world writable directory
– Greatly helps when tracking exploited scripts
used by spammers
– Keeps users from doing stuff like
● system("killall -11 httpd");

● Enable “safe_mode” for php
– Edit the relevant php.ini
● php -i |grep php.ini
– safe_mode = On
– Note that safe_mode is removed from php6 and
● Edit “disable_functions” for php
– disable_functions = exec, shell_exec, system, passthru,popen,
virtual, show_source, readfile, pclose
● Disable
– enable_dl = Off
● disables loading modules from inside the script

– With php_suexec enabled, users can put a
php.ini in the script directory and override all
settings, including safe_mode and
disable_functions to run commands
– Almost all scripting languages allow access to
the filesystem as part of the language, malicious
use of these functions is the real problem

● Using mod_security
– Can be installed in WHM in the addons section
– Main website at
– Good ruleset to use:
– Allows realtime analysis of web requests and
can block malicious requests
– One of the more powerful apache modules,
especially where security is concerned

● Give users a jailshell rather than a fullfledged
● Have clients use sftp, scp, smtp+ssl,
pop+ssl, https://site.tld/cpanel whenever
possible to avoid plain text passwords
● Use SSHv2 only, as SSHv1 is decryptable on
the fly.
● Change root/admin passwords frequently using
a mix of upper/lowercase letters, numbers
and symbols
● Constantly monitor logs

● Join mailing lists to find out about new
attacks when the information is first available
● Bugtraq
● Classic List
● Incidents
● Good for knowing about real security breeches in the wild
● High volume list much like Bugtraq
● Full Disclosure list. Mostly unmoderated, one of the best
sources of current security issues


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