/tmp directory
/tmp directoryA lot of the time malicious scripts will be installed intothe /tmp directoryYou...
A Beginner's Guide to Securing Your Server
A Beginner's Guide to Securing Your Server These are items inside of WHM/Cpanel that should be...
Drop Sync/DDOS Attack
1. Find.. to which IP address in the server is targeted by the ddos attack
netstat -plan |...
How to Find and Check Number of Connections to a Server
Whenever a client connects to a server via network, a connection is established and opened on...
Recommended Security Settings
Recommended Security SettingsCopyright © 2009 cPanel, Inc.Revision HistoryRevision 1 Sept. 28,...
Securing Linux
Local security measuresâ— Protecting against common remote attacksâ— What to do after an...
Security 1
Physical SecurityLocal SecurityRemote Security
Your server is just like your office.Keep a...
Security 2
Main TopicsDisabling toolsSYN cookiessysctlApache modulesWhat to do if your hacked.
Server Optimization/Hardening
cd /usr/local/src/
rack911 patch for apache
How to install rack911 patch (apache 2.2 only):
secure tmp
root] scripts >> ./securetmp Would you like to secure /tmp & /var/tmp at boot time?...